Bat-And-Witch Mobile
originally from the book A World of Things To Do
Things you'll need:

- Tracing paper
- Pencil
- Carbon paper
- Black construction paper
- Brown and black tissue paper
- Transparent tape
- Household glue
- Scissors
- Straws
- Needle and thread

Steps: Put a sheet of tracing paper over the bat drawing on page 61 [you can print out the pattern as included here!] and trace it, including the dotted-line wings. Transfer the traced drawing onto construction paper this way:
1) Place black construction paper on a smooth table.
2) On top of that, lay a sheet of carbon paper, with the shiny carbon side down.
3) Tape the corners of the carbon paper to the construction paper.
4) Place your tracing of the bat on the construction paper and trace only the solid lines. Don't trace the dotted lines.
5) Cut out the bat.
Glue the bat onto brown tissue paper and carefully draw in the dotted-line wings freehand. If you have trouble, transferthe dotted-line wings from your tracing the same way you transferred the bat to the construction paper. Cut out the entire bat from the tissue paper.
Make a witch following steps 1-5 above. Then cut out a black tissue cape and glue it to the witch's back.
For each mobile, you'll need at least three figures - all bats, all witches, or a combination of the two.

Now assemble your mobile. Build a frame by pushing a needle and knotted thread through one end of a straw and into the center of a second straw. Leave about 10 inches of thread between the two straws. Cut the thread and knot it so the thread stays in place.
Pull a separate thread through the head of a bat or through the hat of a witch and draw the thread through one of the three straw ends remaining. Knot the end of the thread. Leave from 8 to 12 inches of thread between the bat or witch and the straw. Attach the other two figures to the other straw ends in the same way.
Complete the mobile this way: Loop a thread over the center of the first straw and knot its ends together. This loop is the hanger. To balance the mobile, slide the loop left or right, as Kirsten does, until the mobile hangs straight. Then tape the loop in place.