Dried Apple Zombie Heads
[photos originally from FabulousFoods.com]

Things you will need:
- An apple, the bigger the better
- Sharp Knife
- Marker
- 1 cup lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon salt
1. Peel and core your apple.
2. With your marker, mark out a creepy face on the apple--keep the details large and fairly simple, though, as finer detail will be lost in the drying process.
3. Combine lemon juice and salt in a bowl, then soak your apple for about 20 seconds. Pat dry.
4. If you'd like, you can insert whole cloves into the eye sockets for eyes, and dry rice grains into the mouth as teeth! They still look great without these extras, though.
5. Set your completed apple in a warm, dry place. After a few days, the apple will dry out, shrink and distort!
6. You can use it as decoration as-is, or add bits of hair (such as yarn), or even create a creepy little doll by making it a body!