Credit where credit is due!
- Ghost Cursor from RealWorld Graphics
- Bat Bullet by PhoebeRose
- [ Pixel ] PumpkinGlow1 - F2U by itwoi
- Candy Corn Bullet by TAlYAKl
- Eye'm on a Roll by NovaThyme
- Ghosty (FTU) by Moonlight-pendent13
- Synth by Drawn-Mario
- ... Speech Bubble by socksyy
- TV emoticon by pixelpeaches
- Knife 01 by fabulousgod
- Jack o Lantern Lights by gutterface
- Later Dude (tombstone) by King-Lulu-Deer
- Tiny Kitty F2U by Nerdy-pixel-girl
- Pastel Orange Arrow Bullet F2U by Nerdy-pixel-girl
- I unfortunately don't know the source of the background; if you know, please tell me!